"Where there is no space, the eternal cannot visit. Where there is no space, the soul cannot awaken." John O'Donohue Benefits of Transpersonal Coaching Find a holding and spacious place where nothing is avoided and all is accepted without judgment Become more self-aware and sensitive to the dynamics of all your relationships, at home and at work Find a deeper understanding of yourself Release energy for what really matters Discover your direction in life Develop tools for the journey that will nourish and sustain you Find fulfilment in life About Transpersonal coaching Transpersonal coaching is founded on the belief that we all have a spiritual centre within us that is the source of our vitality and gives us access to our creativity to ultimately transform the way we live and work. Our spirits can be drained at home and at work and we need time and space to find the seeds of change that lie just below the surface, and that can nourish and sustain us once more. It is often in the language of image and metaphor that our deeper wisdom can be accessed. Our body also holds wisdom and when we slow down we can attend to what may have been neglected in us, and hear the message of any symptoms we may have. Coaching at this deeper level will remind you that there is a well within you that can sustain you, can teach you and build your resilience whatever challenges you may be facing. You will learn to listen to and to trust that 'still small voice' that speaks from the centre of your being. "Our true life lies at a great depth within us. Our restlessness and our weaknesses are merely stirrings on the surface. We must daily retire in silence far into the depths of our spirits and experience the real life within us. If we do this, our words and actions will come to be real also." Rabindranath Tagore |